newborn photography: abbey may

I like to embrace other people’s friends as if they were my own… as is the case with Kelly.  Kelly has a little toddler and then gave birth to Abbey May less than two weeks ago.  I do love all babies, but this one is particularly dainty, sweet and delicious!  Big brother Will has been photographed before, and if you get a chance to see him sit still, then you will melt into his big blue eyes!

Despite looking like a pushover, photographing newborns (and siblings) can be challenging amongst bodily fluids and changing moods.  The trick is to keep the newborns really warm, full of milk and to photograph them within the first ten days of entering the world.  I also love to utilise some vintage looking props that belong to the clients… like this distressed japanese stool…. or something that has some sentimental value like a handmade blanket or the like.

Keep smiling,

Mrs Smart

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